Friday, September 19, 2008

The left is caught, finally, being their true selves

For those who are new to the "polite" argument between right-wingers and left wingers, I have news: It is NOT polite. This is an undeclared war, but initiated by the LEFT and politely dealt with by the right without formal recognition and without conspicuous coordinated response. These last two weeks will be confusing when you study the history of Bill Clinton and the attitudes those we call the "left" had then. In fact, if you are new to American politics but familiar with U.S. History, please take this advice:

Buy and read Ann Coulter's book: "How to talk to a Liberal (If you must), 2004"

For the last three weeks, Sarah Palin has drawn the absolute wrath of the left, and they have now abandoned all pretense of defending the woman or anything to do with feminism as empowerment for women.

Barack Obama started this campaign claiming that he was a "post-racial" candidate and how he was going to bring people together, saying "Yes, we can." Given that presidential political campaigns are tightly controlled communication presentations, we see now that the selection of a wildly popular governor of an oil state for Vice President has absolutely shook the Obama campaign to its knees. How do we know this?

1. They have dropped all pretense of talking about the issues.
2. Barack Obama is now calling for his supporters to "get in their faces," referring to Republicans and Independents.
3. Vice Presidential Candidate Joe Biden is telling people it is their "patriotic duty" to pay MORE in taxes (emphasis mine)
4. Barack Obama gives his VERY next speech after Governor Palin's acceptance speech saying "when you put lipstick on a pig, it is still a pig" --which no one with a straight face can deny was a direct jab at Governor Palin's joke about the difference between "hockey moms" and pit bulls being lipstick. Either he is extremely stupid and prone to gaffes or he does not mind engaging in very OLD politics.
5. Joe Biden said that, "Hillary Clinton is totally qualified to be Vice President. In fact, she may be even more qualified than [him]." Either he is extremely stupid and prone to amazing political gaffes, or he his hedging his bets on working for a Clinton Administration in 2012, or he is already aware that one of the only ways to mitigate the excitement of Sarah Palin very LIKELY being the first ever woman Vice President of the United States (and probably President after that) would be to get out of the way and allow Hillary to become the vice presidential candidate for the Democratic party. I'm not betting on the first option for Joe Biden, since stupid people are unable to ask a 45-minute question on-camera while bloviating for his constituents. Stupid people give safe, easy answers and tend to shut up fairly quickly. It is not clear to me about option three, because that could be his own assessment of quicksand being tied permanently to an Obama campaign or a possible communication from Barack Hussein Obama that his position is secure only as long as it is working for Obama. Either scenario could lead to a gaffe like the one mentioned above.

A. The left attacks Sarah Palin for accepting the nomination when she has five children. As Rudolph Guiliana famously said, "How dare they ask that question!?!" when they would NEVER ask that question of a man running for office. I would add that they GUSHED about Nancy Pelosi taking over as Speaker of the House with her grandchildren there and how everyone was so proud of her being there. Despite the lowest approval record in history, Barbara Walters recently gushed, "I don't care what they say about the Congress. I am so proud that you (Nancy Pelosi) are there in that job (as Speaker of the House)." This is analogous of leaving an important job to a man and returning to find 90% of the job materials are gone and then saying, "I don't care how much money I lost on this deal -- I'm just so proud you are in this job because of your anatomy."

B. The left attacks Sarah Palin for a lack of experience. This is the mind-numbingly stupid argument is for the governor of the ONLY state sharing borders with two different countries. She has conducted agreements to run pipelines across one of these country borders from Alaska to Canada, and then to other northern "lower 48" states such as Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, etc. for Natural Gas. Instead they want to go back to when she was the mayor of Wasilla and ignore that she is, at present, Governor of the great State of Alaska, the largest state in the union. She is Commander-in-Chief of the Alaskan National Guard, which includes components of both US Army and US Air Force, which trains for arctic combat and now ramped up to deal with renewed bomber "Bear" flights by Russia near our Territorial borders. She is responsible for a budget of over $15 Billion, and probably the only state that writes checks to the state's residents each year from Oil revenues.

C. The left attacks Sarah Palin because she walks the talk of being Pro-life. There is no rebuttal for them for someone walking the talk, so they attack her 17 year old child -- who is now pregnant and is now a fiancee of the baby's father.

D. Barack Obama has an ego so large that he could not bring himself to add Hillary Clinton as his Vice President, and now realizes his ego has trampled on 18 million people (largely women) who feel jilted and now have an inspirational choice. There are women who vote single-issue just as there are men. There are women who are pro-choice, just as there are men who are. However, it is not 1970 anymore and Roe v. Wade is now the law of the land. If abortion on demand is not the number one issue for women voters, then there would appear to be a whole lot of women that are inspired by the story of Sarah Palin -- the everywoman.

I am inspired by the choice Americans will have in just 43 days. I am convinced that the candidate that loves America and talks glowingly about how we will face the future with optimism is the American that will win. Democrats have still not figured out that their hero, Kennedy, did not DENEGRATE America the way they do today. They knew the Eisenhower years were golden and basically went around describing how much BETTER they could make it. Air America died because no one can stand the harping all day long by Liberals. Sarah Palin has brought out the harpies everywhere and getting them to speak against their own interests. Rush Limbaugh famously said that Liberals "cannot be who they are" and Rush was right: Liberals are now admitting that the politics of personal destruction is truly THEIR golden work environment, and that they do not care about women if that interferes with their overall objective of getting the Annointed one elected. It is Linda Tripp and Paula Jones all over again.

Sarah Palin, I am rooting for you to be our next Vice President and perhaps our very first female President of the United States. Good luck and may God Bless You and your family.

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