Friday, September 19, 2008

The Greatest Nation on God's Green Earth

It occurs to me at such a junior point in my blogging "career," I should state some things for the record: 1) There are and have been no perfect human beings save one, known to his disciples as Yeshuwah and to the Romans as Jesus -- because He was the One and only Son of God. 2) Anyone I quote now or in the future is being quoted at the moment they said whatever quote I am attributing because I find it interesting, insightful, useful, etc., and NOT because I agree with everything they ever said in their entire lives. This is one of the traps of political pundits and general left-wingers that Ann Coulter has warned us about for at least 10 years. 3) I may even quote people that I vehemently disagree with to prove the absurdity, outright lie, speciousness, calumny, or general wrong-headedness of the opinion opposite of mine. Rush Limbaugh famously said that he occasionally uses absurdity to demonstrate the absurdity of others.

I am grateful to many "right of center" people that have blazed the conservative trail before me. Among them (in no particular order and this list is not all inclusive):

1. John Adams - Perhaps our greatest founding father; the author of the oldest written Constitution on Earth (the Massachussetts constitution); a devout believer in God; a man that argued for over a year for the independence of the United States from Great Britain before it was acceptable; the man that nominated George Washington to be Commander in Chief of the Continental Army (before it was continental!), and a man that sacrificed the Presidency to follow Washington's advice in the Farewell Address and avoid war with France. He now sits with Abigail at the right hand of God, who planned this City upon a Hill.
2. William Buckley - The pioneer who explained what happened to higher education at Yale back in the 1950's, and the founder of National Review.
3. Ann Coulter - Those who bother to study history and recognize jokes when they hear them will realize this lady is a profound genius.
4. Rush Limbaugh - The founder of the EIB network and the number one syndicated radio talk show host for over 20 years on the Rush Limbaugh show.
5. Sean Hannity - The co-host of Hannity and Colmes on Fox News, and the number two syndicated radio talk show host of the Sean Hannity show.
6. Hugh Hewitt - Law professor, attorney, and host of the Hugh Hewitt show -- a brilliant legal mind and an excellent commentator on the current political happenings
7. Michelle Malkin - An absolutely brilliant author, blogger, and guest host of Bill O'Reilly's show on Fox News - she is the author of "Invasion" and was the first to tell us about the catastrophe that is illegal immigation before September 11th, 2001.
8. William Bennett - Secretary of Education to Ronald Reagan, and then Drug Czar. Doctor Bennett holds a Ph.D in Philosophy and is currently the host of "Bill Bennett's Morning in America" a national radio program.
9. Michael Medved - The "Cultural Crusader," he is a brilliant talk show host that happens to cover politics, movies, and attended law school with Hillary Clinton.
10. Ronald Reagan - Perhaps one of the greatest presidents of the United States, he stood up to the Soviet Union and without open warfare managed to defeat them. My only hope is that our next president does not allow the reversal of this victory by failing to learn Reagan's courage and determination.

1 comment:

Fishinbear said...

This is a great piece, and somewhat surprising for me given some of the discussions we have had.

I agree with your stance on being able to quote things people said at one point without having to embrace all that they said and stood for. Mark Twain is a famous example. I often quote him when I believe his words are appropriate to the situation, although his actions in deserting his unit during the Civil War and in refusing to come to the aid of a young lady who was assaulted before his eyes while aboard a ship, even though he had a pistol in his pocket, proved that he was a devout coward. I don't know how much Yogi Berra and I agree upon, but I use a lot of his quotes.

I also agree that the Conservatives have stolen the thunder of the Liberals by nominating Sarah Palin for Vice President. The party that thought of itself as the women's party failed to nominate the woman they had been touting for the position of Chief Executive as fitting to fill the position in the event of a catastrophe. That's not what I'd call walking the walk.

The problem is that Sarah Palin is not what Liberals think of when they think of the word woman.

She competed in a beauty pageant! Doesn't she realize that demeans women? I don't think she felt demeaned when she won a scholarship in the Miss Alaska pageant and used it to further herself.

She actually hunts and eats animals instead of hugging them! To the people who might say this, I have one response. Go to Alaska and try to hug a wild moose! Just make sure your insurance is paid up before you go!

Sarah Palin claims to be a Christian but her daughter is pregnant and unmarried. 1. Sarah's daughter is pregnant out of wedlock, not Sarah! 2. She is going to marry the father. 3. She is carrying the baby to term because she was raised in a Christian home and taught that you don't slaughter babies to serve your own selfish motives!

The bottom line is that the Liberals are upset about the choice of Sarah Palin because it takes away their status as being the pro-woman party. Maybe the Conservatives are a bit smarter because they know that the best way to break race or gender barriers is to do it gradually. Or maybe Conservatives are just smarter, period!

"Behold the Liberal! With his feet firmly planted . . . in midair." Benjamin Franklin

By the way, Barak! You say you weren't talking about Sarah Palin with the lipstick remark. In a pig's eye!